Technology for Children With Autism
As per the CDC, approximately, “1 in 68 children in the United States have been diagnosed with Autism, and it is the third most common developmental disability”. Similarly, according to British Medical Association, “an estimated 700,000 people in the UK, including one in 100 children, are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder”.
Today, assistive technology in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is getting much wider attention as a communication gateway to address and improve issues related to Autism such as behavior, social skills, self-care, and other aspects of life. These assistive technologies are divided into three categories namely low-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech assistive technology. Assistive technologies have several benefits and drawbacks associated with them. With each passing day, these technologies are getting better in functioning and in the coming years are expected to significantly improve the quality of life of children with Autism.
For more details, visit: Technology for Children With Autism