Companies in the Peanut Allergy Treatment Market
As per the DelveInsight, approximately 10,578,543 Peanut Allergy prevalent cases were reported in 7MM (the US, EU5 (the UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, and France) and Japan) out of which the US accounted for the highest prevalence with over 6 million cases.
The Peanut Allergy Market consists of different formulations of immunotherapies, antihistamines, epinephrine, and other therapies such as self-injectors. Epinephrine is considered the first-line medication for the treatment of anaphylaxis. Similarly, Antihistamines, corticosteroids, and bronchodilators are also available in the market, however, these medications address systemic symptoms only.
Currently, some of the key companies such as Nestle Health Sciences, DBV Technologies, Regeneron, Sanofi, Camallergy, and others are involved in the development of Therapies for Peanut Allergy. In 2020, the Peanut Allergy Market size was found to be USD 360.8 million in the 7MM, with the USA accounting for more than 80% of the 7MM Peanut allergy market share. In the coming years, the market is expected to grow at a modest CAGR.
For more details, visit: Companies in the Peanut Allergy Treatment Market